Surname |
Name |
Rank |
Unit |
Remarks |
McNease |
Hope H |
Pvt |
Captain Ota Cantrell Company of Col Newton Cannon West TN
Mounted Infantry Regiment |
McNeace |
Hope W |
Pvt |
Captain J N Williamson Company of Col Leroy Hammond 2nd
Infantry Regiment |
McNees |
Hopefull |
Pvt |
Captain Henry L Douglas of Col. Thomas H Benton TN Volunteer
Infantry Regiment |
McNeece |
Jesse |
Pvt |
Captain George McPherson of Col. Samuel Bunch East TN
Militia |
Unable to perform duty. |
McNiece |
Job |
Pvt |
Captain Herny McCray's Company -Col. Edwin Allisons Regiment
- Washington Co., TN - East Tenn Milita |
He served 5 Jan 1814 to 23 May 1814 |
McNees |
Jonas |
Pvt |
Captain Cook and Captial Kirk's Company - 3rd Regiment - Col
William Johnson - East Tenn Milita |
He served from 20 Sep 1814 to 3 May 1815. He was a subsitute
for James McCollum. His name was McNees. |
McNeice |
Joseph |
Pvt |
Captain Benjamin Powell of Col William Johnson East Tenn
Milita |
McNeice |
Josiah |
Pvt |
Captain James Penny of Col. Samuel Bunch East TN Militia |
McNeece |
William |
Pvt |
Captain George McPherson of Col. Samuel Bunch East TN
Militia |
McNeece |
William |
Pvt |
Captain Francis Register of Col. Samuel Bunch East TN
Militia |
McNeece |
William |
Pvt |
Captain Robert Maloney of Col. William Lillard East TN
Volunteer Infantry Regiment |
Unable to perform duty. |